Land Whispering:
Circles, Cycles, Celebrations, & Seeds
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Subtle energies in earth’s landscape are in every way analogous to those in the human body. Pathways of chi similar to the meridians of chi in our own body are variously termed Earth meridians, dragon lines, ley lines, grid lines, song lines, and other appellations in various cultures. It has been suggested that these lines were managed and balanced for significant agricultural advantage by early farming communities through work with standing stones and other earthworks.
In this workshop, we will learn about how stone circles can be created as an intentional patterning energy to deeply connect with the spirit of place as well as a place to gather and focus energy in the landscape.
Current experiments and experiences are showing that we can use this simple technology – effectively an acupuncture of the earth – to optimize growing conditions for animals and plants, with benefits in length of growing season, frost resistance, disease and drought resistance, rate of germination and development of root structure, and increased yield.
Awareness and work with earth energies and the Spirit of Place stretches back into the prehistory of all cultures, and much can be learned through myth and story as well as through the study of the world’s various traditions of Geomancy (divination of place). Our contemporary understanding of these subtle elemental forces would place them at least in part into the category of bioelectric fields. The interaction of the Earth’s magnetic field with the solar wind, the lunar cycle and other factors creates patterns of varying geomagnetism and bioelectrical charge that contribute to the qualities of atmosphere and states of health or illness in any given location. Simple techniques, familiar to dowsers, can bring change to these patterns, with subsequent benefit to people, plants and animals.
(Words borrowed from Patrick MacManaway’s website)