Flower Power
There is nothing more magical in the early morning then to be out harvesting flowers at Dharma s Garden.
This morning, the weather was cool, almost cold, a nice reprieve from the 90-degree days we’ve been having. The garden was bathed in soft morning light and the flowers were luminous.
Several ladies were out harvesting flowers: Lilies, Snapdragons, Larkspur to name just a few.
I cut long strands of Larkspur with Susan. Trying to carefully remove the thick tentacles of Bind Weed that had so intimately curled itself around the delicate deep purple blue flowers.
After filling our buckets and baskets, we all came together and Farmer Tim gave us a tutorial on Flower Bouquet Making.
Baskets overflowed with blossoms and everyone got busy and creative putting the flowers together in the most stunning arrangements.
There was such a sense of peace and sheer pleasure and magic in the morning rhythm of being immersed in such beauty and softness and sharing that space with others.
Garden Helpers
Little Garden Fairy
Little Garden Fairy.